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Why You should Invest in a Wireless Safety Alert System

Posted by Igor Kazagrandi | Apr 30, 2019 7:24:00 PM

One of the questions we are asked most frequently at Vanguard Wireless is why a wireless safety alert system is better than a more traditional system. For years, we even had a traditional system available, but changes in technology have allowed for significant developments and new features.

To help you understand and pick the best system for your next project, here are the top reasons we think you should invest in a wireless safety alert system.

Wireless safety alert systems are cheaper

Traditional safety alert systems can be extremely expensive. Not only are the parts costly, installation and any even the smallest changes after normally required a technician to visit the location.

In comparison, wireless systems utilise radio frequencies (RF) to replace cables and repeaters. This gives you a more flexible system that can even be changed by your employees.  

Traditional systems can be compromised by a single point of failure

A traditional system is inherently fragile. Consider the childhood game of Chinese Whispers. It’s exactly like that. A single component that fails on the fourth floor due to a dead battery can easily impact on the rest of the system, as each component needs to speak to the next. By passing on the wrong message or not passing it on at all, your system is compromised. This point to point design is a serious flaw in alert systems and one that many clients say is their prime motivation for looking for more modern alternatives.

In contrast, a good wireless system is designed in a multi-point capacity. This means that while devices can communicate with each other, they are not reliant on a sequence to do so. If a single component falls off the network or has a battery that dies, the rest of the system will simply continue to function as normal.

Wireless safety alert systems have a more reliable signal strength

Signal strength is of course a crucial part of safety alert systems. Companies need to know that their systems are up and running, no matter what. However traditional systems have failed to provide that reassurance. This is even more true in complicated sites or even worse, on simple sites as construction continues and requires more components.

In comparison, wireless systems are exactly as what the name says. They use the radio frequencies to communicate between devices and the internet to provide user notifications, whether it be through an existing WiFi connection or sim cards to connect. In a world where the Internet of Things continues to grow, this is an invaluable safety net on your site.

Wireless safety alert systems are modular and quick to install

One of the greatest benefits of a wireless system is its flexibility. Because the components are individual, you can make changes to your system far more easily, scaling up or down in size as required.

This is even more true of our Safety Manager 2.0 system. With a touchscreen control unit at the hub of all your nurse call points, evacuation sirens & triggers, you can interact with your system in a visual manner. From adding or removing devices to naming them, your employees can do this easily with no training. Even better, we have a smartphone app with similar functionality, meaning you can even make changes to your system on the go.

Wireless safety alert systems help you access real-time data

Data is one of the most invaluable assets a company has. From understanding the time it takes to complete a task to looking at response times in the case of an emergency, companies naturally have many points of data they can collect and in turn analyse to better predict future projects.

The problem however is that collecting this data is time consuming and the analysing it can be even more so. A good wireless system however removes the need for manual collection. Instead, it can be easily connected to the cloud and automatically collect, record and even store the information you need.

Topics: wireless, safetysystem

Written by Igor Kazagrandi

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