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Ways to Identify and Combat Stress

Posted by Igor Kazagrandi | Feb 3, 2019 9:02:00 PM

In the construction industry there are many opportunities to make measurable progress, whether it is the civil works commencing or scaffolding being put up. A lot of importance is placed on being safe as well as constantly being aware of many things occurring, simultaneously.

How each person responds or reacts to the many responsibilities on site can vary. Some people are predisposed to handle pressure in different ways to others that would prefer to avoid it altogether. 

Although people have an enviable capacity to make decisions and to prioritise, the added pressures of managing projects, personnel, heavy equipment and deadlines can increase stress levels in a person or within a team with sometimes dangerous consequences.

As stress can accumulate in ways that are not always noticeable, it is vital for people on site to identify and deal with stress in ways that keep them safe, employed and healthy.

Getting through the workloads and competing priorities can be daunting for anybody. Overwhelm can set in causing frustration and these factors can also be triggering your sympathetic nervous system or the SNS.

Most of us have moments at work and in life, where we are stoic and push through the physical manifestations that stress can bring on. Some classic indicators of the onset of stress is the fight or flight response being triggered by the brain.

When this occurs, our brain senses or perceives danger or a threat. This leads to the brain flooding with cortisol, the stress hormone and our bodies getting that surge of adrenaline.

If these physical and mental states continue for a sustained period of time, it can lead to other stress-related symptoms indicating that the SNS has been triggered. Some of these triggers may include:

  • A racing heart or irregular heart beat
  • Ongoing tiredness or feelings of fatigue
  • Challenges thinking clearly (brain fog)

One way our bodies override the SNS is to engage the opposite or parasympathetic nervous system PSNS. This is how we regulate "rest and digest" activities when we are at rest.

Wellness and health initiatives are taken far more seriously in the workplace now especially the growing awareness required for stress management in the construction environment.

Enough cannot be said about being able to rest overnight and to make sure a balanced diet and some exercise is part of a workers own health initiatives and lifestyle.

Sleep deprivation can be fatal in an area of work where human error on machinery can have devastating consequences on a project and its personnel.

Managing your workload, your systems and your overall health are often the best ways to ensure that progress is made on site and personnel remain productive within a safe environment.

Is safety a non-negotiable for your company and the workers on site? Find out more today about the Safety Manager 2.0 system.

Topics: safetyonsite, safetyalertsystems, stressmanagement

Written by Igor Kazagrandi

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