Vanguard Wireless Best Evacuation Systems Nurse Call Systems

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Information for HSE and OHS teams, emergency alert system managers, and workers who seek safer work spaces

Six Answers To Nurse Call System Questions

Posted by Simone Poulter | Jan 19, 2023 12:33:12 PM

What's A Nurse Call System?

A nurse call system is what workers can use to trigger a medical emergency alert that enables other personnel to respond with first aid and/or call emergency services. Any workplaces where medical emergencies are more likely to occur should consider installing one.

Generally, a nurse call system will consist of a triggering device, a control panel that alerts management, plus lights and sirens. The purpose is to increase the speed in which a response is coordinated so medical outcomes are improved. This is achieved with a one-to-many approach that clearly indicates where the emergency is, and who is responding.

This is how it works:

How Vanguard Wireless Nurse Call System Works

Six Questions We Get Asked About Our Nurse Call Systems

1) What industries are our nurse call systems built for?

We started designing nurse call systems for construction sites. Construction sites evolve every day and need systems that evolve with it. We made sure our nurse call triggers are battery operated, can be relocated and renamed easily, are lightweight, and feed information back to management on device and network power and connectivity. 

However, we have installed nurse call systems at assisted living facilities, medical offices, warehouses, manufacturing plants, electrical sub stations, schools, tunnelling works, and mines.

In 2020 we launched a dual-purpose nurse call trigger and evacuation siren which is one of our most popular products.


2) Where do we install systems?

Our office is in NSW Australia, but we can install anywhere in Australia, New Zealand, and Asia. We have active nurse call systems in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide. Our systems are plug-and-play as they’re shipped ready to use so you can manage the installation yourself. All you need to do is power them up, assign them a location, set up app users for triggering and response, and monitor them.

We have also designed and manufactured multi frequency RF chips which now enable us to work in other regions like America, Canada, and Europe.


3) What makes our systems the best nurse call systems on the market?

Our systems are specified by many leading businesses because they:

  • Can be installed temporarily or permanently, suited to many industries and applications
  • Are easily retrofitted to an existing building
  • Don’t require specialist installation by an electrician
  • Weigh less than 1kg/2lb
  • Provide real time data on device and system health
  • Are managed via smartphone app, control panel, and web-based user portal
  • Work in conjunction with our personal worker wearables that transmit a geographic AND vertical emergency location
  • Integrate with third-party software or hardware such and construction project management apps, safety apps, home automation systems, motion detectors, and security systems
  • Can consist of a few devices or 100
  • Can be recommissioned for use on another site
4) Are our systems easy to use?

We've designed our systems to be super simple. Once a worker presses a trigger, they receive confirmation the alert has been sent, and that someone is responding. Personnel are told where the emergency is using the triggering device's location. All management are alerted at the same time so whomever is in the best position to respond first can. Everything is logged for auditing and incident reporting.


5) Are our nurse call systems good for remote workers?

Yes. Remote workers can trigger a nurse call from within our smartphone app, which is then transmitted through our cloud server to management. They can also wear personal duress wearables that connect to the app via a Bluetooth signal. As long as they're within BLE distance from their phone, they can press the wearable to trigger a nurse call. We also offer cellular nurse call systems which can be installed at remote work sites and managed/monitored remotely via the app or web-based portal. So we can protect crane drivers, workers on civil works projects, and solo operators.


6) Do our systems integrate with other apps?

Yes. We’ve built nurse call systems for construction sites that integrate with HammerTech, Procore, and Irongate Solutions. We’ve also built a UHF radio integration to push emergency alerts out to worker’s radios. We're not limited to construction industry integrations - our API can integrate with any software that delivers a better user experience for you.


Request an obligation free demonstration from our customer care team by clicking the Contact Us tab at the top of this page.

Topics: safetyonsite, medicalalertsystems, nursecallsystems, software, workplacesafety, innovation, OHS, constructionsafety, hardware, nursecallsystemsydney, nursecallsystemmelbourne

Written by Simone Poulter

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