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Ensuring Your PPE Works For Everyone

Posted by Inna Kazagrandi | Jul 12, 2023 11:08:53 AM

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) plays a critical role in ensuring the safety and well-being of any workers in high risk industries such as construction, mining, civil works, rail, and manufacturing. for PPE to work best, it must properly fit. Not only is ill fitting PPE redundant, it can actually expose a worker to further risk.

What Is PPE?

According to Safe Work Australia, PPE is anything used or worn by a worker to assist to reduce health and safety risks. It can include:
  • hard hats 

  • earplugs 

  • gloves 

  • goggles 

  • respirators 

  • sunscreen 

  • safety harnesses 

  • safety boots, and 

  • high-visibility clothing. 

The significance of PPE in hazardous workplaces serves as a shield against potential workplace hazards. It shouldn't be used in the place of emergency planning and risk auditing but rather complement it. Workplaces still need to take action to eliminate health and safety risks so far as is reasonably practicable, and if that is not possible, minimising the risks so far as is reasonably practicable. Eliminating a hazard will also eliminate any risks associated with that hazard.

The Importance Of Well Fitting PPE

The effectiveness of PPE greatly depends on its fit. Ill-fitting PPE can compromise its effectiveness and jeopardise the safety of workers. When PPE does not fit properly, it may obstruct movement, limit visibility, or reduce dexterity, thereby increasing the risk of accidents. Well-fitted PPE, on the other hand, allows workers to perform their tasks with greater ease, reducing the likelihood of injuries and boosting overall productivity.

It can also lead to discomfort and frustration among workers. Discomfort can distract workers, affecting their focus and potentially leading to errors. By prioritising well-fitted PPE, high-risk workplaces can enhance worker comfort, leading to increased job satisfaction, improved morale, and reduced turnover rates.

One Size Does NOT Fit All

The availability of standard-sized PPE often fails to accommodate the diverse body types and dimensions of workers. Ill-fitting equipment can create gaps, expose vulnerable areas, or cause discomfort, rendering the protection inadequate. Recognising this limitation, it becomes imperative to provide PPE options that offer adjustable features or a range of sizes to ensure a suitable fit for every individual.

Are your safety team and/or your workers aware of the importance of well-fitted PPE or are they able to identify if their equipment fits correctly? Do they know where they can source work wear that fits them? Safety work wear retailers like WorkwearHub offer a women's range of work wear, with better fitting PPE options such as boots, shirts, safety glasses, and hard hats. Another retailer offering various fits is TradeMutt, who have a unique range of work wear designs, with every sale supporting social services (3,355 hours funded with mental health support service at the time of writing).

Employers should also provide comprehensive training programs that educate workers on the significance of proper fit, and demonstrate how to assess and adjust their PPE for optimal protection.

The Benefits Of Investing In PPE For All 

By prioritising well-fitted PPE, companies can significantly reduce the risk of workplace injuries and accidents. Proper fit ensures that PPE functions as intended, providing adequate protection against hazards, including falling objects, flying debris, chemical exposure, and more. This proactive approach to safety helps create a culture of risk prevention and promotes a safer working environment for all.

Investing in well-fitted PPE may require an initial expenditure, but it can yield significant cost savings in the long run. By reducing the number of workplace injuries, companies can minimise medical expenses, workers' compensation claims, and downtime caused by accidents. Moreover, a safer work environment also contributes to improved productivity and employee retention, further enhancing the financial bottom line.

In high risk industries prioritising well-fitted PPE is crucial for ensuring worker safety, enhancing performance, and reducing risks. By recognising the significance of PPE that fits properly, companies can create a safer work environment, improve worker satisfaction, and reap long-term benefits. It is time to prioritize PPE that truly fits and protects those who build our world.

Topics: safetyonsite, safetyalertsystems, safetysystem, workplacesafety, constructionsafety, EHS, wirelessevacuationalarmsystem, PPE

Written by Inna Kazagrandi

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