Vanguard Wireless Best Evacuation Systems Nurse Call Systems

Insights From Orisent powered by Vanguard Wireless

Information for HSE and OHS teams, emergency alert system managers, and workers who seek safer work spaces

Common Workplace Accidents and How to Avoid Them

Workplace safety is a crucial aspect of any organisation. It ensures the well-being of employees and reduces the risk of accidents and injuries. By prioritising workplace safety, companies can create a positive work environment and improve productivity. It is essential for every employee to understand the importance of workplace safety and actively participate in maintaining a safe workplace.
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What Is A Wireless Evacuation and Nurse Call System?

The rapid evolution of technology has transformed numerous aspects of our lives, and workplace safety is no exception. Emergency evacuation and nurse call systems are traditionally hard wired, but Vanguard Wireless utilise a range of technologies to ensure the devices that form part of the system communicate wirelessly. How and why do we do this?
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10 Ways To Make Your Workplace Safer

October is National Safe Work Month, an annual initiative aimed at raising awareness about workplace health and safety. It provides an opportunity to share valuable resources and offer free training courses to safety managers. However, ensuring safety at work is a collective responsibility, and there are numerous ways in which a workplace can be made safer. Take a look at this list of 10 strategies that can significantly enhance safety standards. Do any of these strategies resonate with you? Are you currently utilising a robust emergency alert system on your premises in case of an emergency? When was the last time you reviewed and updated your emergency plan and procedures? If you're interested in learning more about how we can assist you in updating your emergency processes on-site, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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Workplace Safety Program Business Benefits

In the modern business ecosystem, a robust workplace safety program is no longer a mere regulatory requirement but a fundamental cornerstone in optimising a company's bottom line. Many businesses tend to overlook the economic benefits that a well-structured safety program can bring, often viewing it as an obligatory expense rather than an investment. This perspective, however, needs a revision. In fact, implementing a proactive safety program can contribute to improved productivity, employee satisfaction, and substantial financial savings.
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Construction Nurse Call System Selection Criteria

Construction is a high risk industry, where workers brave unpredictable weather conditions, work at great heights, and handle dangerous tools and machinery. They navigate constantly changing building sites, adapting to new layouts whether they're permanently on the project, or employed as a contractor or sub-contractor. In the event of a nurse call emergency on a construction site, it is crucial to have a straightforward and dependable method to alert others, establish clear communication channels with important event information, and coordinate a swift response.
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Maintaining Safety Equipment & Processes

Has your workplace made the smart decision to invest in a comprehensive range of safety equipment, including evacuation triggers, evacuation sirens, nurse call triggers, fire extinguishers, fire blankets, first aid kits, and even a defibrillator? While these tools are essential for ensuring workplace safety, it's important to remember that they require regular maintenance to function optimally.
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Orisent: Vanguard Wireless's Evolution Reflects a Future-Driven Vision

Australia's leading designer and manufacturer of workplace emergency response systems, Vanguard Wireless, is excited to announce its transformation to Orisent, accompanied by a refreshed corporate logo. This change heralds an exciting era for the company, spotlighting our commitment to pioneering advancements in the field of workplace safety. As we set our sights on the North American market, Orisent is ready to showcase its innovative nurse call and evacuation systems.
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How Telemetry Can Offer You Amazing Insights

Customers of Vanguard Wireless who have a software subscription granting them entry to our web-based user portal can easily navigate to a dedicated page showcasing the telemetry of their emergency alert system. This invaluable feature allows us to meticulously assess and enhance the design of the evacuation or nurse call system network, enabling us to pinpoint opportunities for stronger connections and the implementation of additional signal pathways. By doing so, we strive to optimise the effectiveness of these crucial systems, ensuring the utmost safety and security for our valued customers.
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Parkview & Mosaic Prioritising Worker Safety

Vanguard Wireless work with our partners to redefine the landscape of emergency communication and response at worksites across Australia, New Zealand, and the wider APAC region. Parkview and Mosaic are two innovative Australian builders who share our commitment to using cutting-edge technology to set an unprecedented safety standard across their sites.
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Evacuation Triggers & Response

In today's unpredictable world, ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals on a work site or within a building is of paramount importance. Various emergencies and incidents can arise unexpectedly, making it crucial for facility managers and occupants to be prepared for any eventuality. Building evacuations are essential procedures that help protect lives and minimise injuries during emergencies.
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