Vanguard Wireless Best Evacuation Systems Nurse Call Systems

Insights From Orisent powered by Vanguard Wireless

Information for HSE and OHS teams, emergency alert system managers, and workers who seek safer work spaces

How To Run An Effective Toolbox Meeting

on Oct 14, 2019 2:56:27 PM By | Igor Kazagrandi | 0 Comments | safetyonsite safetyalertsystems safetyregulation toolboxmeeting
Building a culture around safety cannot be overstated enough when it comes to construction or site management. Toolbox meetings are a great way to prioritise this in your business and can be used as a training tool. It’s the ideal way to keep your team up-to-date with safety awareness and reminders to reduce risk on a daily basis.
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Discrepancies between workplace safety regulation and legislation

The Australian Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 stipulates that a person conducting a business or undertaking at a workplace must ensure that an emergency plan exists, covering: procedures, testing and training.
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Do This During A Medical Emergency

on Sep 25, 2019 3:26:55 PM By | Simone Poulter | 0 Comments | safetyonsite medicalemergencies whattodo
Our safety alert systems are intended to be used in the event of a medical or evacuation emergency. As soon as you’re aware of an issue, you just need to find the nearest Vanguard Wireless nurse call or evacuation device and press the button to raise the alarm.
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Technology Trends Shaping the Construction Industry

on Apr 15, 2019 7:22:00 PM By | Igor Kazagrandi | 0 Comments | safetyonsite wireless safetysystem technology
Traditionally, the construction industry has not been one for innovation, but this has begun to change. With new products appearing that improve safety, streamline administration and even inspire clients, there’s no doubt that technology is here to stay.
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Do Your Systems Support an Injured Worker?

on Feb 3, 2019 9:06:00 PM By | Igor Kazagrandi | 0 Comments | safetyonsite safetysystem
Construction companies irrespective of size do their best to adhere to safe work practices on their sites. At a company level, safety measures are implemented across projects and are usually supported and monitored by people on site. In such a rapidly changing environment, construction sites can become areas where inherent danger can suddenly create situations with the potential to cause harm to workers.
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Ways to Identify and Combat Stress

on Feb 3, 2019 9:02:00 PM By | Igor Kazagrandi | 0 Comments | safetyonsite safetyalertsystems stressmanagement
In the construction industry there are many opportunities to make measurable progress, whether it is the civil works commencing or scaffolding being put up. A lot of importance is placed on being safe as well as constantly being aware of many things occurring, simultaneously. How each person responds or reacts to the many responsibilities on site can vary. Some people are predisposed to handle pressure in different ways to others that would prefer to avoid it altogether.
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Construction Safety Injury Snapshot in Australia

on Feb 3, 2019 4:00:00 PM By | Igor Kazagrandi | 0 Comments | safetyonsite safetyalertsystems safetyregulation
In Australia there are thousands of construction projects underway that vary in size and scale. Although we have organisations such as Safe Work Australia keeping us informed about safety and compliance, those within the industry physically carrying out construction work, must remain aware and vigilant in maintaining the highest degree of safety for themselves and their co-workers.
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